I was a little late, I guess, but I still wanted to donate. Hope you get some great material from the TCA!

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"it took me a very long time to find my self-confidence and admit that I'm very good at doing interviews"

Glad to know you got there.

Your stuff should be on bigger mastheads, frankly, instead of so much of the piffle that takes up page space: puff pieces, self-involving drivel, self-involved *snark (*there is a time, and a place and professional ways to demo this, if called for, such justified occasions being rare, but hardly non-existent).

The video interviews I've had time to watch I found to be particularly illuminating and enjoyable. Some subjects delightfully go off on their own lark, others need a little more gentle encouragement/knowledgeable prodding. Figuring out the chemistry PDQ to set them up for a fun ride is the litmus test.

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