Jan 9, 2022Liked by Will Harris

What are some films you think are vastly underrated and/or not seen by enough people?

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If you had access to a time machine, who would be the first Random Roles candidate you'd track down when they were still alive?

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Jan 9, 2022Liked by Will Harris

Are there any Random Role white whales you still haven't landed?

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Jan 9, 2022Liked by Will Harris

RR actors or answers that truly surprised you. RR you wish you could have done differently. RR actors (still alive) on your Top 5 wish list. Pop culture that Jenn introduced you to that you now love. As a fellow parent to a 16 yr old, pop culture that you & your daughter have bonded over.

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Jan 9, 2022Liked by Will Harris

What’s your favourite animated sitcom? And are there any short-lived examples of the genre you wish had had longer lifespans?

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Sorry to make this a little basic, but I'm always curious: From where you are now, with your experience, what is something you wish you could go back and tell yourself at the beginning of your career?

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In the same realm as Brian Winkeler's question about your technique, have you had experiences where your interviewee's ego or mood was completely resistant to you? I've been impressed with your ability to put people at ease and to enjoy the conversation, so I'm curious about the times when the train never got out of the station. Feel free to not name names, of course.

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What do you think your “secret sauce” is? You’ve proven to be a memorable interviewer with a lot of folks who get interviewed a LOT. And I’m guessing they deal with a lot of the vapid junket stuff parodied in movies. But what do you think it is about Will Harris that sticks around in the brains of the Lin-Manuel Mirandas and Alex Roccos and Richard Kinds of the world?

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One more - is Xander Berkeley really just that cool?

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Would you ever be interested in allowing Guest Posts by other Substackers? And if so, what sorts of guidelines do you have for this?

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